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Course Title
Course Level
College Algebra for Calculus
Lower Division
5 units
Operations on real numbers, complex numbers, polynomials, and rational expressions; exponents and radicals; solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; functions, algebra of functions, graphs; conic sections; mathematical models; sequences and series. Prerequisite(s): mathematics placement (MP) score of 100 or higher. Students may not enroll in or receive credit for MATH 2 after receiving credit with a 'C' or better in AM 3, MATH 3, AM 11A, MATH 11A, MATH 19A, MATH 20A or equivalents.
College Algebra for Calculus
Lower Division
2 units
This two-credit, stretch course offers students two quarters to master material covered in MATH 2: operations on real numbers, complex numbers, polynomials, and rational expressions; exponents and radicals; solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; functions, algebra of functions, graphs; conic sections; mathematical models; sequences and series. After successful completion of this course in the first quarter, students enroll in MATH 2 the following quarter to complete the sequence and earn an additional 5 credits. Prerequisite(s): mathematics placement (MP) score of 100 or higher.
Preparatory Math: Tutorial
Lower Division
2 units
Independent study of algebra and modern mathematics using adaptive learning software. Instruction emphasizes clear mathematical communication and reasoning when working with sets, equations, functions, and graphs. Drop in labs, online forums, and readings provide opportunities for further learning and exploration. Prerequisite(s): mathematics placement (MP) score of 100 or higher. May be repeated for credit.
Lower Division
5 units
Inverse functions and graphs; exponential and logarithmic functions, their graphs, and use in mathematical models of the real world; rates of change; trigonometry, trigonometric functions, and their graphs; and geometric series. Students cannot receive credit for both MATH 3 and AM 3. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2 or mathematics placement (MP) score of 200 or higher. Students may not enroll in or receive credit for MATH 3 after receiving credit with a 'C' or better in AM 11A, ECON 11A, MATH 11A, MATH 19A, MATH 20A or equivalents. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Mathematics of Choice and Argument
Lower Division
5 units
Techniques of analyzing and creating quantitative arguments. Application of probability theory to questions in justice, medicine, and economics. Analysis and avoidance of statistical bias. Understanding the application and limitations of quantitative techniques. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2, or mathematics placement (MP) score of 200 or higher, or AP Calculus AB examination score of 3 or higher. (General Education Code(s): SR.)
Calculus with Applications
Lower Division
5 units
A modern course stressing conceptual understanding, relevance, and problem solving. The derivative of polynomial, exponential, and trigonometric functions of a single variable is developed and applied to a wide range of problems involving graphing, approximation, and optimization. Students cannot receive credit for both this course and MATH 19A, or AM 11A, or AM 15A, or ECON 11A. Prerequisite(s): MATH 3 or AM 3; or mathematics placement (MP) score of 300 or higher; or AP Calculus AB exam score of 3 or higher. Enrollment limited to 350. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Calculus with Applications
Lower Division
5 units
Starting with the fundamental theorem of calculus and related techniques, the integral of functions of a single variable is developed and applied to problems in geometry, probability, physics, and differential equations. Polynomial approximations, Taylor series, and their applications conclude the course. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 19B, or AM 11B, or AM 15B, or ECON 11B. Prerequisite(s): MATH 11A or MATH 19A or AM 15A or AP Calculus AB exam score of 4 or 5, or BC exam score of 3 or higher, or IB Mathematics Higher Level exam score of 5 or higher. Enrollment limited to 350. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Mathematics for Life Sciences
Lower Division
5 units
Introduction to mathematical modeling of systems in biology and the environment. Mathematical topics include functions, sequences, conceptual calculus and differential equations, taught through examples, computation, and visualization. Computational tools include interactive graphing software, spreadsheets, and a high-level programming language (e.g., Python). Modeling systems in the environment, ecology, evolution, cell, and molecular biology. Representing systems in state space, and studying change through derivatives. Analyzing equilibria in one- and two-dimensional systems. (Formerly Mathematics for Life and Environmental Sciences.) Prerequisite(s): MATH 3 or AM 3 or mathematics placement (MP) score of 300 or higher or AP Calculus AB exam score of 3 or higher. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Mathematics for Life Sciences
Lower Division
5 units
Mathematical modeling of systems in biology and the environment. Dynamical systems in environmental and life sciences, beginning with a study of oscillation, including trigonometry (sinusoids) and related differential equations. Stochastic systems, including random walks in one and two dimensions, and a study of diffusion. Computational techniques, including vectorization and random number generation, for modeling systems. An introduction to linear algebra, focused on vector geometry in two dimensions, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Applications of linear/matrix models and Markov processes to ecology and molecular biology. (Formerly Mathematics for Life and Environmental Sciences.) Prerequisite(s): MATH 16A. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
Lower Division
5 units
The limit of a function, calculating limits, continuity, tangents, velocities, and other instantaneous rates of change. Derivatives, the chain rule, implicit differentiation, higher derivatives. Exponential functions, inverse functions, and their derivatives. The mean value theorem, monotonic functions, concavity, and points of inflection. Applied maximum and minimum problems. Students cannot receive credit for both this course and MATH 11A, or AM 11A, or AM 15A, or ECON 11A.. Prerequisite(s): MATH 3; or mathematics placement (MP) score of 400 or higher; or AP Calculus AB exam score of 3 or higher. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
Lower Division
5 units
The definite integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Areas, volumes. Integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, and partial fractions methods. Improper integrals. Sequences, series, absolute convergence and convergence tests. Power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series. Students cannot receive credit for both this course and MATH 11B, or AM 11B, or AM 15B, or ECON 11B. Prerequisite(s): MATH 19A or MATH 20A or AP Calculus AB exam score of 4 or 5, or BC exam score of 3 or higher, or IB Mathematics Higher Level exam score of 5 of higher. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Honors Calculus
Lower Division
5 units
Methods of proof, number systems, binomial and geometric sums. Sequences, limits, continuity, and the definite integral. The derivatives of the elementary functions, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and the main theorems of differential calculus. Prerequisite(s): mathematics placement (MP) score of 500 higher; or AP Calculus AB examination score of 4 or 5; or BC examination of 3 or higher; or IB Mathematics Higher Level examination score of 5 or higher. Enrollment limited to 80. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Honors Calculus
Lower Division
5 units
Orbital mechanics, techniques of integration, and separable differential equations. Taylor expansions and error estimates, the Gaussian integral, Gamma function and Stirling's formula. Series and power series, numerous applications to physics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 20A. Enrollment limited to 80. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Linear Algebra
Lower Division
5 units
Systems of linear equations matrices, determinants. Introduces abstract vector spaces, linear transformation, inner products, the geometry of Euclidean space, and eigenvalues. Students cannot receive credit for this course and AM 10. Prerequisite(s): MATH 11A or MATH 19A or MATH 20A or AM 11A or ECON 11A or AM 15A. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables
Lower Division
5 units
Functions of several variables. Continuity and partial derivatives. The chain rule, gradient and directional derivative. Maxima and minima, including Lagrange multipliers. The double and triple integral and change of variables. Surface area and volumes. Applications from biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering, and physics. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 23A. Prerequisite(s): MATH 11B or MATH 19B or MATH 20B or AM 15B or AP calculus BC exam score of 4 or 5. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Vector Calculus
Lower Division
5 units
Vectors in n-dimensional Euclidean space. The inner and cross products. The derivative of functions from n-dimensional to m-dimensional Euclidean space is studied as a linear transformation having matrix representation. Paths in 3-dimensions, arc length, vector differential calculus, Taylor's theorem in several variables, extrema of real-valued functions, constrained extrema and Lagrange multipliers, the implicit function theorem, some applications. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 22. Prerequisite(s): MATH 19B or MATH 20B or AP calculus BC exam score of 4 or 5. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Vector Calculus
Lower Division
5 units
Double integral, changing the order of integration. Triple integrals, maps of the plane, change of variables theorem, improper double integrals. Path integrals, line integrals, parametrized surfaces, area of a surface, surface integrals. Green's theorem, Stokes' theorem, conservative fields, Gauss' theorem. Applications to physics and differential equations, differential forms. Prerequisite(s): MATH 23A. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
Ordinary Differential Equations
Lower Division
5 units
First and second order ordinary differential equations, with emphasis on the linear case. Methods of integrating factors, undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, power series, numerical computation. Students cannot receive credit for this course and AM 20. Prerequisite(s): MATH 22 or MATH 23A; MATH 21 is recommended as preparation.
MATH 100
Introduction to Proof and Problem Solving
Upper Division
5 units
Students learn the basic concepts and ideas necessary for upper-division mathematics and techniques of mathematical proof. Introduction to sets, relations, elementary mathematical logic, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction, and counting arguments. Prerequisite(s): MATH 11A or MATH 19A or MATH 20A; and MATH 21 or AM 10. Enrollment limited to 80. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
MATH 101
Mathematical Problem Solving
Upper Division
5 units
Students learn the strategies, tactics, skills and tools that mathematicians use when faced with a novel (new) problem. These include generalization, specialization, the optimization, invariance, symmetry, Dirichlet's box principle among others in the context of solving problems from number theory, geometry, calculus, combinatorics, probability, algebra, analysis, and graph theory. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.)
Complex Analysis
Upper Division
5 units
Complex numbers, analytic and harmonic functions, complex integration, the Cauchy integral formula, Laurent series, singularities and residues, conformal mappings. Prerequisite(s): MATH 23B; and either MATH 100 or CSE 101.
Complex Analysis II
Upper Division
2 units
Conformal mappings, the Riemann mapping theorem, Mobius transformations, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms, applications, and other topics as time permits. Prerequisite(s): MATH 103A.
Real Analysis
Upper Division
5 units
The basic concepts of one-variable calculus are treated rigorously. Set theory, the real number system, numerical sequences and series, continuity, differentiation. Prerequisite(s):MATH 22 or MATH 23B and either MATH 100 or CSE 101.
Real Analysis
Upper Division
5 units
Metric spaces, differentiation and integration of functions. The Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Sequences and series of functions. Prerequisite(s): MATH 105A.
Real Analysis
Upper Division
5 units
The Stone-Weierstrass theorem, Fourier series, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables. Prerequisite(s): MATH 105B.
MATH 106
Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Upper Division
5 units
Linear systems, exponentials of operators, existence and uniqueness, stability of equilibria, periodic attractors, and applications. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21 or AM 10; and either MATH 24 or AM 20; and either MATH 100 or CSE 101.
MATH 107
Partial Differential Equations
Upper Division
5 units
Topics covered include first and second order linear partial differential equations, the heat equation, the wave equation, Laplace's equation, separation of variables, eigenvalue problems, Green's functions, Fourier series, special functions including Bessel and Legendre functions, distributions and transforms. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21 or AM 10; and MATH 24 or AM 20; and either MATH 100 or CSE 101; MATH 106 is recommended as preparation.
MATH 110
Introduction to Number Theory
Upper Division
5 units
Prime numbers, unique factorization, congruences with applications (e.g., to magic squares). Rational and irrational numbers. Continued fractions. Introduction to Diophantine equations. An introduction to some of the ideas and outstanding problems of modern mathematics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or CSE 101.
Upper Division
5 units
Group theory including the Sylow theorem, the structure of abelian groups, and permutation groups. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 111T. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21 or AM 10 and either MATH 100 or CSE 101.
Upper Division
5 units
Introduction to rings and fields including polynomial rings, factorization, the classical geometric constructions, and Galois theory. Prerequisite(s): MATH 111A.
Upper Division
5 units
Introduction to groups, rings and fields; integers and polynomial rings; divisibility and factorization; homomorphisms and quotients; roots and permutation groups; and plane symmetry groups. Also includes an introduction to algebraic numbers, constructible numbers, and Galois theory. Focuses on topics most relevant to future K-12 teachers. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 111A. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100. Enrollment limited to 60.
MATH 114
Introduction to Financial Mathematics
Upper Division
5 units
Financial derivatives: contracts and options. Hedging and risk managment. Arbitrage, interest rate, and discounted value. Geometric random walk and Brownian motion as models of risky assets. Ito's formula. Initial boundary value problems for the heat and related partial differential equations. Self-financing replicating portfolio; Black-Scholes pricing of European options. Dividends. Implied volatility. American options as free boundary problems. Corequisite(s): STAT 131 or CSE 107.
MATH 115
Graph Theory
Upper Division
5 units
Graph theory, trees, vertex and edge colorings, Hamilton cycles, Eulerian circuits, decompositions into isomorphic subgraphs, extremal problems, cages, Ramsey theory, Cayley's spanning tree formula, planar graphs, Euler's formula, crossing numbers, thickness, splitting numbers, magic graphs, graceful trees, rotations, and genus of graphs. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21 or AM 10 and either MATH 100 or CSE 101.
MATH 116
Upper Division
5 units
Based on induction and elementary counting techniques: counting subsets, partitions, and permutations; recurrence relations and generating functions; the principle of inclusion and exclusion; Polya enumeration; Ramsey theory or enumerative geometry. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or CSE 101. Enrollment is restricted to sophomores juniors, and seniors. Familiarity with basic group theory is recommended.
MATH 117
Advanced Linear Algebra
Upper Division
5 units
Review of abstract vector spaces. Dual spaces, bilinear forms, and the associated geometry. Normal forms of linear mappings. Introduction to tensor products and exterior algebras. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21 or AM 10 and either MATH 100 or CSE 101.
MATH 118
Advanced Number Theory
Upper Division
5 units
Topics include divisibility and congruences, arithmetical functions, quadratic residues and quadratic reciprocity, quadratic forms and representations of numbers as sums of squares, Diophantine approximation and transcendence theory, quadratic fields. Additional topics as time permits. Prerequisite(s): MATH 110 or MATH 111A.
MATH 120
Coding Theory
Upper Division
5 units
An introduction to mathematical theory of coding. Construction and properties of various codes, such as cyclic, quadratic residue, linear, Hamming, and Golay codes; weight enumerators; connections with modern algebra and combinatorics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21.
Differential Geometry
Upper Division
5 units
Topics include Euclidean space, tangent vectors, directional derivatives, curves and differential forms in space, mappings. Curves, the Frenet formulas, covariant derivatives, frame fields, the structural equations. The classification of space curves up to rigid motions. Vector fields and differentiable forms on surfaces; the shape operator. Gaussian and mean curvature. The theorem Egregium; global classification of surfaces in three space by curvature. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21 or AM 10, and MATH 23B, and either MATH 100 or CSE 101. MATH 105A strongly recommended.
Differential Geometry and Topology
Upper Division
5 units
Examples of surfaces of constant curvature, surfaces of revolutions, minimal surfaces. Abstract manifolds; integration theory; Riemannian manifolds. Total curvature and geodesics; the Euler characteristic, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Length-minimizing properties of geodesics, complete surfaces, curvature and conjugate points covering surfaces. Surfaces of constant curvature; the theorems of Bonnet and Hadamard. Prerequisite(s): MATH 121A.
MATH 124
Introduction to Topology
Upper Division
5 units
Topics include introduction to point set topology (topological spaces, continuous maps, connectedness, compactness), homotopy relation, definition and calculation of fundamental groups and homology groups, Euler characteristic, classification of orientable and nonorientable surfaces, degree of maps, and Lefschetz fixed-point theorem. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100; MATH 111A recommended.
MATH 125
Applied Topology
Upper Division
5 units
Introduction to the theoretical foundations of topological data analysis (TDA), which is the study of datasets using tools from topology. Includes some classical material from topology, elements of homological algebra and an introduction to the notion of persistence. . Prerequisite(s): Math 117.
Classical Geometry: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean
Upper Division
5 units
Euclidean, projective, spherical, and hyperbolic (non-Euclidean) geometries. Begins with the thirteen books of Euclid. Surveys the other geometries. Attention paid to constructions and visual intuition as well as logical foundations. Rigid motions and projective transformations covered. Prerequisite(s): either MATH 100 or CSE 101.
Classical Geometry: Projective
Upper Division
5 units
Theorems of Desargue, Pascal, and Pappus; projectivities; homogeneous and affine coordinates; conics; relation to perspective drawing and some history. Prerequisite(s): MATH 21.
MATH 129
Algebraic Geometry
Upper Division
5 units
Algebraic geometry of affine and projective curves, including conics and elliptic curves; Bezout's theorem; coordinate rings and Hillbert's Nullstellensatz; affine and projective varieties; and regular and singular varieties. Other topics, such as blow-ups and algebraic surfaces as time permits. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100. Enrollment limited to 40.
MATH 130
Celestial Mechanics
Upper Division
5 units
Solves the two-body (or Kepler) problem, then moves onto the N-body problem where there are many open problems. Includes central force laws; orbital elements; conservation of linear momentum, energy, and angular momentum; the Lagrange-Jacobi formula; Sundman's theorem for total collision; virial theorem; the three-body problem; Jacobi coordinates; solutions of Euler and of Lagrange; and restricted three-body problem. Prerequisite(s): MATH 19A and 19B; and MATH 23A or PHYS 5A or PHYS 6A; MATH 21 and MATH 24 strongly recommended. Enrollment limited to 35.
MATH 134
Upper Division
5 units
Introduces different methods in cryptography (shift cipher, affine cipher, Vigenere cipher, Hill cipher, RSA cipher, ElGamal cipher, knapsack cipher). The necessary material from number theory and probability theory is developed in the course. Common methods to attack ciphers discussed. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or CSE 101; MATH 110 is recommended as preparation.
MATH 140
Industrial Mathematics
Upper Division
5 units
Students learn skills needed for solving problems found in industry. Course follows a problem-based approach, discovering the theory needed for solving problems, as well as description skills. Students collaborate to solve industry-driven problems. Reports and presentations are expected to demonstrate the solution of problems. Examples include: Applied Graph Theory, Ramsey Theory, Game Theory, Markov Chains, Information Theory, Coding Theory, and Applied Number Theory. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or CSE 101.
MATH 145
Introductory Chaos Theory
Upper Division
5 units
The Lorenz and Rossler attractors, measures of chaos, attractor reconstruction, and applications from the sciences. . Prerequisite(s): MATH 22 or MATH 23A; MATH 21 or AM 10; MATH 100 or CSE 101. Concurrent enrollment in MATH 145L is required.
Introductory Chaos Laboratory
Upper Division
1 units
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in MATH 145. One three-hour session per week in microcomputer laboratory. Concurrent enrollment in MATH 145 is required.
MATH 148
Numerical Analysis
Upper Division
5 units
A survey of the basic numerical methods which are used to solve scientific problems and their mathematical analysis (derivation, convergence analysis, error bounds). The course includes both mathematical (analysis of algorithms) and computing assignments (implementation of algorithms). Some prior experience with Matlab (or similar) is helpful but not required. Some typical topics are: computer arithmetic; Newton's method for non-linear equations; linear algebra; interpolation and approximation; numerical differentiation and integration; numerical solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations and some partial differential equations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 22 or MATH 23A; and MATH 21 or AM 10; and MATH 24 or AM 20; and MATH 105A or MATH 152 or CSE 101. Concurrent enrollment in MATH 148L is required.
Numerical Analysis Laboratory
Upper Division
1 units
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 148. One three-hour session per week in the computer laboratory. Concurrent enrollment in MATH 148 is required.
MATH 152
Programming for Mathematics
Upper Division
5 units
Introduces programming in Python with applications to advanced mathematics. Students apply data structures and algorithms to topics such as numerical approximation, number theory, linear algebra, and combinatorics. No programming experience is necessary, but a strong mathematics background is required. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100. (General Education Code(s): MF.)
MATH 160
Mathematical Logic I
Upper Division
5 units
Propositional and predicate calculus. Resolution, completeness, compactness, and Lowenheim-Skolem theorem. Recursive functions, Godel incompleteness theorem. Undecidable theories. Hilbert's 10th problem. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or CSE 101.
MATH 161
Mathematical Logic II
Upper Division
5 units
Naive set theory and its limitations (Russell's paradox); construction of numbers as sets; cardinal and ordinal numbers; cardinal and ordinal arithmetic; transfinite induction; axiom systems for set theory, with particular emphasis on the axiom of choice and the regularity axiom and their consequences (such as, the Banach-Tarski paradox); continuum hypothesis. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or equivalent, or by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 45.
MATH 162
Introduction to Computably Enumerable Functions and Sets and their Degrees
Upper Division
5 units
Topics include computable functions; Church's thesis; Halting problem; computable and computably enumerable (c.e.) functions and sets; relative computability; Turing-degrees and the jump operator; Arithmetical hierarchy; oracle constructions; Post's problem; and finite injury priority method, and splitting theorems for c.e. degrees. Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or CSE 101; MATH 160 recommended.
MATH 181
History of Mathematics
Upper Division
5 units
A survey from a historical point of view of various developments in mathematics. Specific topics and periods to vary yearly. Prerequisite(s): MATH 19B or MATH 20B. MATH 100 is strongly recommended for preparation. (General Education Code(s): TA.)
MATH 194
Senior Seminar
Upper Division
5 units
Designed to expose the student to topics not normally covered in the standard courses. The format varies from year to year. In recent years each student has written a paper and presented a lecture on it to the class. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements; MATH 103A or MATH 105A or MATH 110 or MATH 111A or MATH 111T or MATH 117. Enrollment priority is given to seniors; juniors may request permission.
MATH 195
Senior Thesis
Upper Division
5 units
Students research a mathematical topic under the guidance of a faculty sponsor and write a senior thesis demonstrating knowledge of the material. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 200
Algebra I
5 units
Group theory: subgroups, cosets, normal subgroups, homomorphisms, isomorphisms, quotient groups, free groups, generators and relations, group actions on a set. Sylow theorems, semidirect products, simple groups, nilpotent groups, and solvable groups. Ring theory: Chinese remainder theorem, prime ideals, localization. Euclidean domains, PIDs, UFDs, polynomial rings. Prerequisite(s): MATH 111A and MATH 117 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 201
Algebra II
5 units
Vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the Jordan canonical form, bilinear forms, quadratic forms, real symmetric forms and real symmetric matrices, orthogonal transformations and orthogonal matrices, Euclidean space, Hermitian forms and Hermitian matrices, Hermitian spaces, unitary transformations and unitary matrices, skewsymmetric forms, tensor products of vector spaces, tensor algebras, symmetric algebras, exterior algebras, Clifford algebras and spin groups. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200 is recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 202
Algebra III
5 units
Module theory: Submodules, quotient modules, module homomorphisms, generators of modules, direct sums, free modules, torsion modules, modules over PIDs, and applications to rational and Jordan canonical forms. Field theory: field extensions, algebraic and transcendental extensions, splitting fields, algebraic closures, separable and normal extensions, the Galois theory, finite fields, Galois theory of polynomials. Prerequisite(s): MATH 201 is recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 203
Algebra IV
5 units
Topics include tensor product of modules over rings, projective modules and injective modules, Jacobson radical, Wedderburns' theorem, category theory, Noetherian rings, Artinian rings, affine varieties, projective varieties, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, prime spectrum, Zariski topology, discrete valuation rings, and Dedekind domains. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200, MATH 201, and MATH 202. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 204
Analysis I
5 units
Completeness and compactness for real line; sequences and infinite series of functions; Fourier series; calculus on Euclidean space and the implicit function theorem; metric spaces and the contracting mapping theorem; the Arzela-Ascoli theorem; basics of general topological spaces; the Baire category theorem; Urysohn's lemma; and Tychonoff's theorem. Prerequisite(s): MATH 105A and MATH 105B are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 205
Analysis II
5 units
Lebesgue measure theory, abstract measure theory, measurable functions, integration, space of absolutely integrable functions, dominated convergence theorem, convergence in measure, Riesz representation theorem, product measure and Fubini 's theorem. Lp spaces, derivative of a measure, the Radon-Nikodym theorem, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Prerequisite(s): MATH 204. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 206
Analysis III
5 units
Banach spaces, Hahn-Banach theorem, uniform boundedness theorem, the open mapping and closed graph theorems, weak and weak* topology, the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, Hilbert spaces, self-adjoint operators, compact operators, spectral theory, Fredholm operators, spaces of distributions and the Fourier transform, and Sobolev spaces. Prerequisite(s): MATH 204 and MATH 205 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 207
Complex Analysis
5 units
Holomorphic and harmonic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem, the maximum principle and its consequences, conformal mapping, analytic continuation, the Riemann mapping theorem. Prerequisite(s): MATH 103 is recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 208
Manifolds I
5 units
Definition of manifolds; the tangent bundle; the inverse function theorem and the implicit function theorem; transversality; Sard's theorem and the Whitney embedding theorem; vector fields, flows, and the Lie bracket; Frobenius's theorem. MATH 204 recommended for preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 209
Manifolds II
5 units
Tensor algebra. Differential forms and associated formalism of pullback, wedge product, exterior derivative, Stokes theorem, integration. Cartan's formula for Lie derivative. Cohomology via differential forms. The Poincaré lemma and the Mayer-Vietoris sequence. Theorems of deRham and Hodge. Prerequisite(s): MATH 208. MATH 201 is recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 210
Manifolds III
5 units
The fundamental group, covering space theory and van Kampen's theorem (with a discussion of free and amalgamated products of groups), CW complexes, higher homotopy groups, cellular and singular cohomology, the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms, computational tools including Mayer-Vietoris, cup products, Poincaré duality, the Lefschetz fixed point theorem, the exact homotopy sequence of a fibration and the Hurewicz isomorphism theorem, and remarks on characteristic classes. Prerequisite(s): MATH 208 and MATH 209 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 211
Algebraic Topology
5 units
Continuation of MATH10. Topics include theory of characteristic classes of vector bundles, cobordism theory, and homotopy theory. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200, MATH 201, and MATH 202 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 212
Differential Geometry
5 units
Principal bundles, associated bundles and vector bundles, connections and curvature on principal and vector bundles. More advanced topics include: introduction to cohomology, the Chern-Weil construction and characteristic classes, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem or Hodge theory, eigenvalue estimates for Beltrami Laplacian, and comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry. Prerequisite(s): MATH 208. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Partial Differential Equations I
5 units
First of the two PDE courses covering basically Part I in Evans' book; Partial Differential Equations; which includes transport equations; Laplace equations; heat equations; wave equations; characteristics of nonlinear first-order PDE; Hamilton-Jacobi equations; conservation laws; some methods for solving equations in closed form; and the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem. MATH 106 and MATH 107 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Partial Differential Equations II
5 units
Second course of the PDE series covering basically most of Part II in Evans' book and some topics in nonlinear PDE including Sobolev spaces, Sobolev inequalities, existence, regularity and a priori estimates of solutions to second order elliptic PDE, parabolic equations, hyperbolic equations and systems of conservation laws, and calculus of variations and its applications to PDE. Prerequisite(s): MATH 106, MATH 107, and MATH 213A are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 214
Theory of Finite Groups
5 units
Nilpotent groups, solvable groups, Hall subgroups, the Frattini subgroup, the Fitting subgroup, the Schur-Zassenhaus theorem, fusion in p-subgroups, the transfer map, Frobenius theorem on normal p-complements. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200 and MATH 201 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 215
Operator Theory
5 units
Operators on Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces. The spectral theorem. Compact and Fredholm operators. Other special classes of operators. Prerequisite(s): MATH 204, MATH 205, MATH 206, and MATH 207 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 216
Advanced Analysis
5 units
Topics include: the Lebesgue set, the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem, singular integrals, the Calderon-Zygmund theorem, Hardy Littlewood-Sobolev theorem, pseudodifferential operators, compensated compactness, concentration compactness, and applications to PDE. Prerequisite(s): MATH 204, MATH 205, and MATH 206 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 217
Advanced Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
5 units
Topics include elliptic equations, existence of weak solutions, the Lax-Milgram theorem, interior and boundary regularity, maximum principles, the Harnack inequality, eigenvalues for symmetric and non-symmetric elliptic operators, calculus of variations (first variation: Euler-Lagrange equations, second variation: existence of minimizers). Other topics covered as time permits. Prerequisite(s): MATH 204, MATH 205, and MATH 206 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 218
Advanced Parabolic and Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
5 units
Topics include: linear evolution equations, second order parabolic equations, maximum principles, second order hyperbolic equations, propagation of singularities, hyperbolic systems of first order, semigroup theory, systems of conservation laws, Riemann problem, simple waves, rarefaction waves, shock waves, Riemann invariants, and entropy criteria. Other topics covered as time permits. Prerequisite(s): MATH 205 and MATH 206. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 219
Nonlinear Functional Analysis
5 units
Topological methods in nonlinear partial differential equations, including degree theory, bifurcation theory, and monotonicity. Topics also include variational methods in the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Representation Theory I
5 units
Lie groups and Lie algebras, and their finite dimensional representations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200, MATH 201, and MATH 202. MATH 225A and MATH 227 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Representation Theory II
5 units
Lie groups and Lie algebras, and their finite dimensional representations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 220A. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Algebraic Number Theory
5 units
Topics include algebraic integers, completions, different and discriminant, cyclotomic fields, parallelotopes, the ideal function, ideles and adeles, elementary properties of zeta functions and L-series, local class field theory, global class field theory. MATH 200, MATH 201, and MATH 202 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Algebraic Number Theory
5 units
Topics include geometric methods in number theory, finiteness theorems, analogues of Riemann-Roch for algebraic fields (after A. Weil), inverse Galois problem (Belyi theorem) and consequences. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Algebraic Geometry I
5 units
Topics include examples of algebraic varieties, elements of commutative algebra, local properties of algebraic varieties, line bundles and sheaf cohomology, theory of algebraic curves. Weekly problem solving. MATH 200, MATH 201, MATH 202, and MATH 208 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Algebraic Geometry II
5 units
A continuation of course 223A. Topics include theory of schemes and sheaf cohomology, formulation of the Riemann-Roch theorem, birational maps, theory of surfaces. Weekly problem solving. MATH 223A is recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Lie Algebras
5 units
Basic concepts of Lie algebras. Engel's theorem, Lie's theorem, Weyl's theorem are proved. Root space decomposition for semi-simple algebras, root systems and the classification theorem for semi-simple algebras over the complex numbers. Isomorphism and conjugacy theorems. Prerequisite(s): MATH 201 and MATH 202 recommended as preparation Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras
5 units
Finite dimensional semi-simple Lie algebras: PBW theorem, generators and relations, highest weight representations, Weyl character formula. Infinite dimensional Lie algebras: Heisenberg algebras, Virasoro algebras, loop algebras, affine Kac-Moody algebras, vertex operator representations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 225A. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Quantum Field Theory I
5 units
Introduction to the infinite-dimensional Lie algebras that arise in modern mathematics and mathematical physics: Heisenberg and Virasoro algebras, representations of the Heisenberg algebra, Verma modules over the Virasoro algebra, the Kac determinant formula, and unitary and discrete series representations. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Quantum Field Theory II
5 units
Continuation of MATH 226A: Kac-Moody and affine Lie algebras and their representations, integrable modules, representations via vertex operators, modular invariance of characters, and introduction to vertex operator algebras. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 227
Lie Groups
5 units
Lie groups and algebras, the exponential map, the adjoint action, Lie's three theorems, Lie subgroups, the maximal torus theorem, the Weyl group, some topology of Lie groups, some representation theory: Schur's Lemma, the Peter-Weyl theorem, roots, weights, classification of Lie groups, the classical groups. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200, MATH 201, MATH 204, and MATH 208. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 228
Lie Incidence Geometries
5 units
Linear incidence geometry is introduced. Linear and classical groups are reviewed, and geometries associated with projective and polar spaces are introduced. Characterizations are obtained. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 229
Kac-Moody Algebras
5 units
Theory of Kac-Moody algebras and their representations. The Weil-Kac character formula. Emphasis on representations of affine superalgebras by vertex operators. Connections to combinatorics, PDE, the monster group. The Virasoro algebra. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 232
Morse Theory
5 units
Classical Morse Theory. The fundamental theorems relating critical points to the topology of a manifold are treated in detail. The Bott Periodicity Theorem. A specialized course offered once every few years. Prerequisite(s): MATH 208, MATH 209, MATH 210, MATH 211, and MATH 212 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 233
Random Matrix Theory
5 units
Classical matrix ensembles; Wigner semi-circle law; method of moments. Gaussian ensembles. Method of orthogonal polynomials; Gaudin lemma. Distribution functions for spacings and largest eigenvalue. Asymptotics and Riemann-Hilbert problem. Painleve theory and the Tracy-Widom distribution. Selberg's Integral. Matrix ensembles related to classical groups; symmetric functions theory. Averages of characteristic polynomials. Fundamentals of free probability theory. Overview of connections with physics, combinatorics, and number theory. Prerequisite(s): MATH 103, MATH 204, and MATH 205; MATH 117 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 234
Riemann Surfaces
5 units
Riemann surfaces, conformal maps, harmonic forms, holomorphic forms, the Reimann-Roch theorem, the theory of moduli. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 235
Dynamical Systems Theory
5 units
An introduction to the qualitative theory of systems of ordinary differential equations. Structural stability, critical elements, stable manifolds, generic properties, bifurcations of generic arcs. Prerequisite(s): MATH 203 and MATH 208. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 238
Elliptic Functions and Modular Forms
5 units
The course, aimed at second-year graduate students, will cover the basic facts about elliptic functions and modular forms. The goal is to provide the student with foundations suitable for further work in advanced number theory, in conformal field theory, and in the theory of Riemann surfaces. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200, MATH 201, MATH 202, and either MATH 207 or MATH 103A are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 239
Homological Algebra
5 units
Homology and cohomology theories have proven to be powerful tools in many fields (topology, geometry, number theory, algebra). Independent of the field, these theories use the common language of homological algebra. The aim of this course is to acquaint the participants with basic concepts of category theory and homological algebra, as follows: chain complexes, homology, homotopy, several (co)homology theories (topological spaces, manifolds, groups, algebras, Lie groups), projective and injective resolutions, derived functors (Ext and Tor). Depending on time, spectral sequences or derived categories may also be treated. MATH 200 and MATH 202 strongly recommended. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Representations of Finite Groups I
5 units
Introduces ordinary representation theory of finite groups (over the complex numbers). Main topics are characters, orthogonality relations, character tables, induction and restriction, Frobenius reciprocity, Mackey's formula, Clifford theory, Schur indicator, Schur index, Artin's and Brauer's induction theorems. Recommended: successful completion of MATH 200-MATH 202. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Representations of Finite Groups II
5 units
Introduces modular representation theory of finite groups (over a field of positive characteristic). Main topics are Grothendieck groups, Brauer characters, Brauer character table, projective covers, Brauer-Cartan triangle, relative projectivity, vertices, sources, Green correspondence, Green's indecomposability theorem. Recommended completion of MATH 200-MATH 203 and MATH 240A. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200, MATH 201, MATH 202, MATH 203, and MATH 240A recommended. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 246
Representations of Algebras
5 units
Material includes associative algebras and their modules; projective and injective modules; projective covers; injective hulls; Krull-Schmidt Theorem; Cartan matrix; semisimple algebras and modules; radical, simple algebras; symmetric algebras; quivers and their representations; Morita Theory; and basic algebras. Prerequisite(s): MATH 200, MATH 201, and MATH 202. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 248
Symplectic Geometry
5 units
Basic definitions. Darboux theorem. Basic examples: cotangent bundles, Kähler manifolds and co-adjoint orbits. Normal form theorems. Hamiltonian group actions, moment maps. Reduction by symmetry groups. Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg convexity. Introduction to Floer homological methods. Relations with other geometries including contact, Poisson, and Kähler geometry. Prerequisite(s): MATH 204; MATH 208 and MATH 209 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Mechanics I
5 units
Covers symplectic geometry and classical Hamiltonian dynamics. Some of the key subjects are the Darboux theorem, Poisson brackets, Hamiltonian and Langrangian systems, Legendre transformations, variational principles, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, geodesic equations, and an introduction to Poisson geometry. MATH 208 and MATH 209 are recommended as preparation. MATH 208 and MATH 209 recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Mechanics II
5 units
Hamiltonian dynamics with symmetry. Key topics center around the momentum map and the theory of reduction in both the symplectic and Poisson context. Applications are taken from geometry, rigid body dynamics, and continuum mechanics. MATH 249A is recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Mechanics III
5 units
Introduces students to active research topics tailored according to the interests of the students. Possible subjects are complete integrability and Kac-Moody Lie algebras; Smale's topological program and bifurcation theory; KAM theory, stability and chaos; relativity; quantization. MATH 249B is recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 252
Fluid Mechanics
5 units
First covers a basic introduction to fluid dynamics equations and then focuses on different aspects of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 106 and MATH 107 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 254
Geometric Analysis
5 units
Introduction to some basics in geometric analysis through the discussions of two fundamental problems in geometry: the resolution of the Yamabe problem and the study of harmonic maps. The analytic aspects of these problems include Sobolev spaces, best constants in Sobolev inequalities, and regularity and a priori estimates of systems of elliptic PDE. MATH 204, MATH 205, MATH 209, MATH 212, and MATH 213A recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 256
Algebraic Curves
5 units
Introduction to compact Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry via an in-depth study of complex algebraic curves. MATH 200, MATH 201, MATH 202, MATH 203, MATH 204, and MATH 207 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate mathematics and physics students.
MATH 260
5 units
Combinatorial mathematics, including summation methods, binomial coefficients, combinatorial sequences (Fibonacci, Stirling, Eulerian, harmonic, Bernoulli numbers), generating functions and their uses, Bernoulli processes and other topics in discrete probability. Oriented toward problem solving applications. Applications to statistical physics and computer science. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 264
Inverse Problems and Integral Geometry
5 units
Concepts of inverse problem and ill-posedness on the Hilbert scale. Approaches to inversion, regularization and implementation. In Euclidean geometry: Radon transform; X-ray transform; attenuated X-ray transform (Novikov's inversion formula); weighted transforms. Same topics in different geometric contexts: homogeneous spaces, manifolds with boundary. Non-linear problems: boundary rigidity, lens rigidity, inverse problems for connections. MATH 148, MATH 204, MATH 205, MATH 206, and MATH 208, are recommended for preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 280
Topics in Analysis
5 units
Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 281
Topics in Algebra
5 units
Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 282
Topics in Geometry
5 units
Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 283
Topics in Combinatorial Theory
5 units
Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 284
Topics in Dynamics
5 units
Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 285
Topics in Partial Differential Equations
5 units
Topics such as derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Examples of flows including water waves, vortex motion, and boundary layers. Introductory functional analysis of the Navier-Stokes equation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 286
Topics in Number Theory
5 units
Topics in number theory, selected by instructor. Possibilities include modular and automorphic forms, elliptic curves, algebraic number theory, local fields, the trace formula. May also cover related areas of arithmetic algebraic geometry, harmonic analysis, and representation theory. Courses 200, 201, 202, and 205 are recommended as preparation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
MATH 287
Topics in Topology
5 units
Topics in topology, selected by the instructor. Possibilities include generalized (co)homology theory including K-theory, group actions on manifolds, equivariant and orbifold cohomology theory. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
Pedagogy of Mathematics
2 units
Prepares graduate students to become successful Teaching Assistants in mathematics courses. Topics include class management, assessment creation, evaluation and grading, student interaction, introduction to teaching and learning strategies, innovation in education, use of technology, and best practices that promote diversity and inclusion. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Pedagogy of Mathematics
2 units
Prepares graduate students to become successful Graduate Student Instructors in mathematics. Topics include class management, assessment creation, evaluation and grading, student interaction, introduction to teaching and learning strategies, innovation in education, use of technology, and best practices that promote diversity and inclusion. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 292
0 units
A weekly seminar attended by faculty, graduate students, and upper-division undergraduate students. All graduate students are expected to attend. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 296
Special Student Seminar
5 units
Students and staff studying in an area where there is no specific course offering at that time. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
MATH 298
Master's Thesis Research
5 units
Enrollment restricted to graduate students.