Geometry & Analysis Seminar Winter 2019

Thursdays - 4:00pm
McHenry Library Room 4130
For further information please contact Professor Francois Monard or call 831-459-2400


Thursday January 10th, 2019

Michael Landry, Yale University

Surfaces almost transverse to circular pseudo-Anosov flows

Let M be a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold which fibers over S^1, and let F be a fibered face of the unit ball of the Thurston norm on H^1(M;R). By results of Fried, there is a nice flow on M naturally associated to F. We study surfaces which are almost transverse to F and give a new characterization of the set of homology directions of F using Agol’s veering triangulation of an auxiliary cusped 3-manifold.


Thursday January 17th, 2019


Thursday January 24th, 2019


Thursday January 31st, 2019

Michelle Chu, University of California Santa Barbara

Quantifying virtual properties of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds

The study of virtual properties of 3-manifolds groups has played a key role in the major recent developments in 3-manifold topology. In this talk I will motivate and introduce several virtual properties of 3-manifold groups and the study of arithmetic manifolds. I will also discuss result on quantifying these virtual properties for a class of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds.

Thursday February 7th, 2019


Thursday February 14th, 2019


Thursday February 21st, 2019


Thursday February 28th, 2019

Alex Mramor, University of California Irvine

Low Entropy and the Mean Curvature Flow with Surgery.

In this talk we will discuss the mean curvature flow with surgery and how to extend it to the low entropy, mean convex setting. An application to the topology of low entropy self shrinkers will also be discussed. This is a joint work with Shengwen Wang.

Thursday March 7th, 2019

Yiran Wang, Stanford University

Thursday March 14th, 2019

Priyanka Rajan, Notre Dame University

Exotic Spheres of Cohomogeneity two.

Eldar Straume classified non-linear isometric group actions of cohomogeneity two on homotopy spheres. In a joint work Searle, we provide some evidence for the following:
Let ⌃n be an ndimensional homotopy sphere of strictly positive sectional curvature. Suppose a compact Lie group G acts on ⌃n isometrically and effectively by cohomogeneity two.Then ⌃n is Gequivariantly diffeomorphic to Sn(1) with a linear Gaction