Conferences & Programs

2021, August 24 - 26 : Panorama of Mathematics, Hausdorff Center, Bonn, Germany

Plenary talks by: Annalisa Buffa (EPFL Lausanne), Constantinos Daskalakis (MIT), Alessio Figalli (ETH Zürich), Martin Hairer (London), Maryna Viazovska (EPFL Lausanne), Geordie Williamson (Sydney MRI).

Invited sessions had been scheduled as:

TUESDAY: Geometry of differential operators, from local to global properties. Structures and invariants in algebra and topology. Stochastic market models and aggregation. Algorithms, combinatorics, and complexity.

WEDNESDAY: Shape, pattern, and partial differential equations. Analytic, algebraic, and combinatorical aspects of moduli theory. Mechanism design and game theory.

THURSDAY: Mathematics of quantum physics. Stochastics in discrete, singular, and infinite dimensional structures. High-dimensional problems and multi-scale methods.