Student Resources/Academic Support

  • ACE The Academic Excellent Program provides discussion sections in biology, pre-calculus, general and organic chemistry and physics. Sections meet for 4 hours each week with professional teaching staff and take the place of the required secondary discussion section for your math or science lecture.
  • Drop-in Mathematics Tutoring available for students seeking assistance in Math 2, 3, 11A, 11B, 19A, 19B, 22, 23A and 23B. The schedule is usually Tuesday-Thursday from 4:00-8:00 PM in the McHenry Library Room 1279. 
  • DRC The Disability Resource Center assists the UCSC campus with equal educational access for students with disabilities.
  • LSS Learning Support Services offers Modified Supplemental Instruction (MSI) and tutoring services.
  • MSI Modified Supplemental Instruction gives students the opportunity to learn together in small groups led by advanced Student Learning Assistants.
  • Tutor list The Mathematics Department posts names of available tutors who charge for one-one-one tutoring. This is not affiliated with the LSS-MSI program.