Report an Incident

Anyone can make a Title IX report using the online reporting form or by calling 831-459-2462. 

For questions about reporting responsibilities, and questions about the UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy and the UC Santa Cruz Title IX Procedures call 831-459-2462.

What is Reportable to Title IX?  

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault: Penetration or Contact without Consent
  • Dating and Domestic Violence
  • Stalking
  • Invasions of Sexual Privacy viewing and/or taking or sharing photos/videos of intimate body parts without affirmative consent

  • Sex/Gender Related Harassment including harassment related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity and presentation

  • Sex/Gender Discrimination includes all of the above and broadly includes family leave, pregnancy, lactation, pay inequity, etc.

Graduate Student Employee Reporting Flowchart (PDF)

Additional Title IX Reporting Information